How Did I Get Here?


Categories: Rantings Tags: Meta(self) Tech Open Source Software

(how the blog got here at least)

The Short

This site is generated with Hugo, a static site generator that takes markdown as an input.

It uses the following Theme with a few modifications to the css to make it more in line with the Catppuccin series of themes

Most of the text was written in QOwnNotes and further edited in neovim

I am grateful to all of these projects and their developers

The Less Short


Why not!

I usually stick to the areas of Network Administration and Graphics Programming, so safe to say that any kind of “web development” is a bit outside of my normal fields. And even then, calling this “Web Development” is quite the stretch. But I am certainly no stranger to to running servers, and I already had Docker running and a domain, so I deployed an Nginx container, and then proceeded to not do anything with it for over a year. I told myself that I would use the webpage as some sort of portfolio for my hobby projects, but to spare you the excuses, that never really came to be, and I don’t have much to show. So here we are now, I guess. This project was readjustment of scope of what I wanted out of my website. It will still serve as my portfolio, but gives me other reasons to actually use it while I work on something worth showing off.

why a blog?

I must admit that even to me, and my love of the old internet, I never was much of a blog person. I wasn’t super in the culture, and they always seemed like a dated compared to social medias (which I also hardly interact with). Some time in the last few years, I came to the realisation that most things I read on the internet were blogs, I’m not sure how that escaped me for so long. So finally in my desire to contribute to the endless number of words on the internet, I ended up here.

But I feel like a blog can be more than a blog (or maybe it is still just a blog, I don’t know where the line is). This site will eventually serve as some kind of portfolio for my work as a Graphics Programmer. I guess that doesn’t really disqualify this site from being a blog after thinking about it, I think that just goes to show that my idea of what is a blog was a bit skewed.

why not [insert other platform here]?

I enjoy doing things myself, having a chance to learn about new things, and put all of that to practice. While this project hasn’t been the most intensive thing, its still made of many moving parts, some of which are very new to me. Even through some of the headache that is the modern internet (my first go at getting an SSL cert signed and setup comes to mind) I greatly enjoyed my time spent on this.

why/what is hugo?

I’m putting this section in since I had not heard of hugo until recently, so maybe this will inform someone. Hugo is a static site generator that takes a theme, and a series of markdown files, and makes a styled webpage. This differs from most other forms of modern web development where (to my knowledge) pages are generated on the fly when a request is made. With Hugo, I run a command to generate the site, and that is it, the resulting folder goes on my server, and that’s pretty much the end of my involvement until the next time I post. This gives me a very simple workflow, and making new content just involves me writing markdown, which I am already familiar enough with.

that’s probably enough whys, and hopefully the how, so lets go with, who am I?

I ask myself this very question frequently, at least daily at this point. That’s why, as of writing, my about me page is incomplete.

So basic stuff then:

I’m Point, which is short for PointDevice, I generally prefer to go by my username in most cases, so we’ll just leave it at that.

I occasionally write code, generally relating to rendering and graphics, but I don’t have much of note to show at the moment.

I went to school to become a Network Administrator, and its a hobby I very much enjoy, My professional work is Adjacent to that field, and hopefully I will get to work as a net admin again soon.

so, what next?

I don’t know.

I don’t have many ideas of what to put on here, so I guess ill just make a post here whenever I have something of note, or just need to scream into the void for a bit.

This site doesn’t have much of an identity yet, and I’m not sure where to go with it, I hope to find that in time. I have some ideas of other posts that I can make, so ill at least have a few things to keep busy with.

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